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Ask a Question, Get an Answer - August 21 - August 25, 2023 - could use some extra help this week!

Chris Hackett
Community Manager

It's great that we have such a vibrant Acumatica community to get quick answers to questions and gain product knowledge! We have very active members jumping in to help others out all the time. The goal of the community is to respond to every member’s question so that no one goes away "empty handed".

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Benjamin Crisman - Acumatica Community Featured Member for August 2023

Meet Benjamin Crisman our Acumatica Community Featured Member for August 2023. It’s great to have you as part of the Acumatica Community @BenjaminCrisman!


Upcoming Acumatica User Group Meetups - Join and participate!

We have several Acumatica User Groups having in person events coming up. If you’re located in one of these areas, please join your local group and attend if possible.


Hot Tips, Known Issues and Blogs

README for Customization Projects by Tony Lanzer

Outlook Plugin Clear Cache

Creating a Message Column for Generic Inquiries: A Streamlined Approach to Validation

SQL Server Encryption Enforcement requires web.config changes in 2023R1

Known issue: When a user creates negative transaction on the Move form containing back-flushed material, the system generates a duplicate line for each back-flushed material on the Materials form

Known issue: On the Account Details form, a user who had access to only one active branch could not reclassify transactions due to the 'BQL verification failed: Select2`3...' error

How to customize the Convert to Order action on the Sales Quotes form to copy notes from the sales quote to the created sales order



Shoutout to the following members who provided tips and assisted with unanswered questions this past week. Thank you for all your help!

@Vignesh Ponnusamy  @ppowell  @scottstanaland12 
@AdrianaFlores  @dcomerford  @manikantad18 
@Yuri Karpenko  @michael73  @abdallaahmed61 
@vibindas  @davidnavasardyan09  @Laura02 
@joelhoffman  @kellymorin16  @sroberts29 
@Samuel Olivier Lavigueur  @angierowley75  @iqraharrison48 
@kandybeatty49  @RohitRattan88  @darylbowman 
@bthomas24  @ChandraM  @yhartman 
@Novstat  @ThasinduRanasinghe61  @kokjietan 
@Naveen Boga  @harshita53  @MuthumaliDhanushika27
@meganfriesen37  @rcreasy  @lauraj46 
@Joe Schmucker  @mnecaise  @kdavis45 
@pbennett  @zfebert56  @Django 
@Shurtugal98  @Omar Ghazi  @krausef77 
@Ahmed  @michelle76  @Robert Sternberg 
@martingaxiola  @Keith Richardson  @Anna Devyatko 
@frankfiorentino81  @johnythevara48  @carolinehern40 
@sweta68  @miguel80  @robert38 
@ygagnaire12  @jinin  @Gabriel Michaud 
@srengdahl  @Doug Johnson  @Troy Vars 
@Dhiren Chhapgar  @rosenjon  @Umair 
@Irina  @Dana Moffat  @hsarjapur 
@ebevan  @Dmitrii Naumov  @rhooper91 
@playton43  @Julia Lukina  @Tony Lanzer 
@Debbie Baldwin  @Aliya  @BenjaminCrisman 
@kristybrooks83  @kgawryluk80  @Leonardo Justiniano 
@Hannah Barnes  @rhelton37  @Brian Stevens 
@mjgrice32  @amyj03  @DBowers 
@dlevoniuk  @Fred Reiter  @Freeman Helmuth 
@Phil  @tusharpandita74  @mrobinson81 
@pallikasharma11  @SheriThomas49  @Elena Abilova 


Think you have a potential answer, Jump In!

Help a Fellow Community Member Out!

Here's the list of questions that need response for this coming week. Hopefully with everyone’s help we can clean some of these up which may help others seeking similar answers in the future. Grab one before they’re gone:sunglasses: !


Copying Quote using clipboard

Anyone else having issues with the Acumatica to Outlook integration?

Recalculate Customer Balance - ARInvoice Last Modified Date

Intercompany Billing

Acumatica developer program

Side Panel in AP Bills and Adjustments displays quickly and then disappears

Item line level payment terms discount

Current Survey functionality in Acumatica?

Warehouse Location Error when trying to change warehouse for a Non-stock Kit with stock component

Approving Requests (for purchase)

While adding the payments, the import scenario is working for 1/2 rows only.

Work Center Dispatch - Add Link to Report Move

Adding Equipment photos from an Appointment

Email Hyperlink to Mobile App

BC should show they are the user who did the work

Split out Report (Pro Forma Invoice in this Case) based on Condition

LIFO Inventory to Average Conversion


How to stop External Tax Provider re-execution programmatically on Sales Order Save

Finding "Soft" Duplicate Inventory Items

Adding Branch ID column into AP Incoming Documents

Prepare Invoice in "SO302000" using " Use Shipment Date for Invoice Date". How to get only one invocie for one shipment

Purchase and Purchase Receipt Auto Create Bill

Slowness after upgrade

Percentage of sales column set

Importing lot/serial attributes

Adding index to existing table that isn't mine.

Oauth Logout question


Thank you all for your efforts! 

@Chris Hackett

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