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Ask a Question, Get an Answer - March 6 - March 10, 2023 - we could use some extra help this week!

Chris Hackett
Community Manager

It's great that we have such a vibrant Acumatica community to get quick answers to questions and gain product knowledge! We have very active members jumping in to help others out all the time. The goal of the community is to respond to every member’s question so that no one goes away "empty handed".

Connect, Learn, Share


Does your Wholesale Distribution business do Counter Sales? Or does your business PURCHASE items from potential customers "over the counter"?


***Check out the below hot tips***

Workaround to manage "Notes" & "Files" Actions

New categories and subcategories in Knowledge Base

How to provide diagnostic information from the Trace page to Acumatica Support using the Submit Logs functionality in Acumatica ERP 2022 R1 and later

Attend training sessions and get CPE credits


Shoutout to the following members who provided tips and assisted with unanswered questions this past week. Thank you for all your help!

@asmith50  @Laura02  @meganfriesen37 
@jamesh  @kandybeatty49  @umeshramaswamy82 
@Debbie Baldwin  @angierowley75  @Dana Moffat 
@Omar Ghazi  @nathantrauscht  @NathanKahn 
@bwotherspoon74  @schneur96  @jinin 
@Dmitrii Naumov  @estebanperalta54  @RaphaelPfaff12 
@Irina  @anahizentella94  @andriikravetskyi35 
@Django  @oshadarodrigo64  @rosenjon 
@Alm  @BenjaminCrisman  @Tfahey14 
@manikantad18  @iqraharrison48  @Julia Golomidova 
@joelhoffman  @jessica.pidgeon  @Foujan 
@aaghaei  @sweta68  @lbarker 
@Dave Gutman  @EGolshtein67  @oshadarodrigo64 
@girik06  @Naveen Boga  @markusray17 
@Leonardo Justiniano  @YasasWithanage76  @brendan91 
@Aliya  @shyamalav71  @lauraj46 
@KurtBauer  @mattkohls  @KristenHanson84 
@martingaxiola  @bgreene87  @boravanung71 
@dougmcbride79  @kdavis45  @vachmir 
@Chris Woolf  @Jeff96  @paulapitt 
@Tfahey14  @suebrown  @DConcannon 
@KarthikGajendran  @zhaot  @dcomerford 
@rsternberg96  @Heidi Dempsey  @craig2 
@eshahid98   @jdeol  @MinushaWeerasuriya76 
@fdomingo  @Anacarina Calvo  @development93 
@epetruncio89  @darylbowman  @donnadeskins55 
@susan75  @isemida20  @Mike44 
@stacy16  @Olesia Alpeeva  @dlevoniuk 
@DavidEichner  @JSager76  @dgross 


Think you have a potential answer, Jump In!

Help a Fellow Community Member Out!

Here's the list of questions that need response for this coming week. Hopefully with everyone’s help we can clean some of these up which may help others seeking similar answers in the future. Grab one before they’re gone:sunglasses: !


Carrier Plugin - Customer - Carrier Account - Add to Report

How can I print to a "doc tab" stye Fedex label?

Export Grids with "Style" and "Format"

How to open Folder Dialog in Acumatica?


Change base function in Sales Prices

Possible to control pivot table hyperlink navigation?

How to create a Normal PO with lines linked to a Blanket PO via REST API

Scheduling reports to email

Acumatica CRM and HubSpot Data Sync

How to use both COUNT & SUM aggregate functions on 1 line in GI

Prepayment Request do not validate terms and calculate cash discounts

How display all report data in pdf when its export?

Detailed information is not available for this entry.

Android Phone App - "Something Went Wrong" "An error has occured. Please try again or go back to the previous screen"

Change base function in Sales Prices

How do I print multiple invoices on one check

Setting up Approval Map on Sales Orders


Thank you all for your efforts! 

@Chris Hackett

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