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Ask a Question, Get an Answer - May 15 - May 19, 2023 - any extra help appreciated this week!

It's great that we have such a vibrant Acumatica community to get quick answers to questions and gain product knowledge! We have very active members jumping in to help others out all the time. The goal of the community is to respond to every member’s question so that no one goes away "empty handed".

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May 2023 Tips and Tricks

HI Everyone! Here are some tips and tricks on using Acumatica efficiently! 

Thank you @kandybeatty49!


Shoutout to the following members who provided tips and assisted with unanswered questions this past week. Thank you for all your help!

@meganfriesen37 @darylbowman @manikantad18
@Laura02 @iqraharrison48 @nathantrauscht
@davidnavasardyan09 @Naveen Boga @aaghaei
@NataliaRozhikhina96 @Anacarina Calvo @sweta68
@RohitRattan88 @bgreene87 @angierowley75
@Heidi Dempsey @Christina @Sai Chettiar
@Pinny @PatrickSchlenker90 @caseyh35
@lauraj46 @estebanperalta54 @Debbie Baldwin
@marina25 @joelhoffman @Doug Johnson
@travislawson @kandybeatty49 @di93
@DBowers @Russ @Harshita
@LukeAmesbury @PorchlightZach @ericwolfe74
@Dmitrii Naumov @patrickcolgan94 @Joe Schmucker
@jwarren @Django @kenakinn
@cwomack98 @Troy Vars @rwilkerson97
@kpopova @adharmawansha22 @stevei61
@radwa3r2m18 @cmoreland @ptreske76
@TitileGama @Michael Hansen @Janella
@bhitterdal75 @jcportacool @Dana Moffat
@pbennett @KristenHanson84 @rosenjon
@Lhouldsworth @Denham @abaker86
@jsieber @aidenwills15 @dgross
@ray20 @pwills69 @dlevoniuk
@Missy Main @melaniemascato62 @DavidEichner
@jeremyd45 @Emily85 @BenjaminCrisman
@ThasinduRanasinghe61 @Jeff96 @Camilo Acosta
@dgodsill97 @andrew15 @Kavon
@AndrewA @craig2 @ChrisWeidner
@aldringazo64 @msw21 @bzelinski
@wfilipiak67 @Robert Sternberg @anahizentella94
@riglesias @jchinnis @paengesser82


Think you have a potential answer, Jump In!

Help a Fellow Community Member Out!

Here's the list of questions that need response for this coming week. Hopefully with everyone’s help we can clean some of these up which may help others seeking similar answers in the future. Grab one before they’re gone:sunglasses: !


Handling Supply Runs On Field Service

An item with the same key has already been added when this is configured with Azure AD

How to get prepayment and payment details related invoice

Just In Time Debugger Launched without necessary security permissions

Show Invoices with Dunning Letters

Setup Kit Disassembly - Cost for component

Import Scenario to create Purchase Order - Invoke Action "Add Project Items" doesn't import all Items

Default Unit Price for 2-Step (Warehouse to Warehouse) Transfers

Count and Average aggregate not displaying in GI results

Credit Card Capture in Sales Demo 21R2

Bank auto-match to create customer receipt using transaction description

Sales Orders through BC Connector stuck due to State Error

Malfunctioning of Acumatica FBQL SubSelect

Inventory Balance Generic inquiry

Run Javascript, Html and css in Acumatica

Values for "Fulfillment Status" on "Import Filtering" screen BC202000

Can Acumatica API interface styles be passed via external tools ?

Adding Payroll Adjustments after batch is released but prior to the payment being released

Price Multiplier not working correctly

Is it safe to Clean SMEmail table in Database, because Emails can NOT be truly deleted from Screen.

Overriding Default Restriction groups in Customer Class screen

Reversing a Bill with Reclassification postings

any one who knows why is that data class ApprovedByEmployee is missing in generic inquiry because I am creating generic inquiry but when i am creating table the ApprovedByEmployee is missning

Quantity on hand with Receipt number in Generi inquiry

Add Custom Report to Acumatica Mobile

Store content of an email alert sent to a separate email client in the database

Report- adding a link to an image or making an image linkable

Business Event not triggering after activating Real-Time Order Sync


Thank you all for your efforts! 

@Chris Hackett

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