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      We use Acumatica to send emails often, and the outing going emails are actually not needed. It takes me a lot time and effort to delete them twice on screen “All emails” CO409070.     

      But I happened to find these records, even if I have clicked delete twice on screen to delete(first time make processed to deleted, second time makes it disappeared from screen.)

          The table space usage are NOT actually reduced. 
Because it is still in DB, just with “DeletedDatabaseRecord =1 ”.

        I am not quite understand why this is designed this way. My question is,  if we just 
Delete * from SMEmail where CreatedDateTime <='2022-09-30 20:30:55.027' and DeletedDatabaseRecord =1 .  
      Would it be OK?

To whom also be interested, I have tried in both test and production environment,
If I run 
Delete * from SMEmail where CreatedDateTime <='2022-09-30 20:30:55.027' and DeletedDatabaseRecord =1 .
It looks like no issue be brought in.  
But please keep in mind, you should be extremely careful to run this script and better with fully data backup. 

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @ray20 !

To whom also be interested, I have tried in both test and production environment,
If I run 
Delete * from SMEmail where CreatedDateTime <='2022-09-30 20:30:55.027' and DeletedDatabaseRecord =1 .
It looks like no issue be brought in.  
But please keep in mind, you should be extremely careful to run this script and better with fully data backup. 

Hey @ray20, what about all the file attachments? Won’t those remain behind?


I came across this post and the scripts in the replies:


Clear Email Queue | Community



Hi ​@ray20 

Yes, you can delete this table able it won't cause any problems.

Hi ​@nhorvathNAW The files would remain, there is a different script to delete upload files
