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It's great that we have such a vibrant Acumatica community to get quick answers to questions and gain product knowledge! We have very active members jumping in to help others out all the time. The goal of the community is to respond to every member’s question so that no one goes away "empty handed".

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James Harris - Acumatica Community Featured Member for March 2024

Meet James Harris our Acumatica Community Featured Member for March 2024. It’s great to have you as part of the Acumatica Community @jamesh!


SoCal Acumatica User Group Meetup - Tuesday, April 16th, 11am-2pm (Irvine Area)


Save the Date: 2024 R1 Feature Review


Hot Tips, Known Issues and Blogs

Blog: Overriding Credit Verification for Days past Due with a negative balance

Known issue: In Acumatica ERP 2023 R2 Update 10 and 2023 R1 Update 16, in some cases, on the Regenerate MRP form, the system returned the "MRP Error processing First Pass" error during processing

After an upgrade to Acumatica ERP 2023 R2, ShipStation is unable to connect to Acumatica Store

Acumatica 2024 R1 Update 1 Build 24.101.0059

Known issue: In rare cases, the production order link in the sales order had the incorrect NEW production order number

How can I correct a project invoice?


Shoutout to the following members who provided tips and assisted with unanswered questions this past week. Thank you for all your help!

@Atiq  @Laura02  @mikeho 
@simonliang91  @KarthikGajendran  @Andre17 
@Vignesh Ponnusamy  @apretorius62  @ricoybanez 
@jessica.pidgeon  @darylbowman  @mweaver78 
@NuwanTharanga62  @meganfriesen37  @GastonRuggeri 
@npace29  @jsatlin  @danielklumpp 
@dgodsill97  @riglesias  @VladS 
@Heidi Dempsey  @Dana Moffat  @Doug Johnson 
@manikantad18  @mediaagentur1  @GlenMartin34 
@Brian Stevens  @shanew  @antoons60 
@kschwab07  @jkasprzyk98  @AndrewBGL 
@aaghaei  @angierowley75  @RohitRattan88 
@Sagar Greytrix  @AndreasKleinfeld72  @Dmitrii Naumov 
@AmaanFazeer11  @kpopova  @morrowhe 
@mblassingame35  @jhouser  @johncase53 
@kingvproctor  @Jeff96  @ngerst 
@Leonardo Justiniano  @jon95  @jrotaru69 
@raphrf  @Irina  @joelhoffman 
@chris  @fpantelidakis65  @kokjietan 
@jsheehan56  @Stephanie Gamble  @josh.fischer 
@greg27  @Tony Lanzer  @pbennett 
@Omar Ghazi  @stevei61  @jfarrell 
@lawsont  @hkabiri  @craig2 
@rharvey6  @lauraj46  @wmatthews1877 
@margiottab  @MinushaWeerasuriya76  @Neil Cantral 
@ChandraM  @sbond84  @Keith Richardson 
@parveza33  @jamesh  @BenjaminCrisman 
@nathankeating  @dlevoniuk  @sadams43 
@aiwan  @mike.gillum  @ed.goodman 
@kgauld73  @alicezyks51  @bthomas24 
@iqraharrison48  @donnadeskins55  @olgakonanykhina22 
@mbarrett  @gorazem  @Kelly02 


Think you have a potential answer, Jump In!

Help a Fellow Community Member Out!

Here's the list of questions that need response for this coming week. Hopefully with everyone’s help we can clean some of these up which may help others seeking similar answers in the future. Grab one before they’re gone:sunglasses: !


Shopify Refund: CashAccountID: Cash Account '10250ST ' cannot be found in the system

How to allocate the sum of total depreciate into a month in the report Fix Asset Net Value( FA613000) ?

An unhandled exception has occurred in the function 'MoveNext'. Please see the trace log for more details.

Cannot create custom screen in 24R1 24.100.0139

Performance Isssues with GI : CO4090PL

Scan Move Screen Persist a new Save action added in the Move Section

Unbound Processing Screen

First and Last (MIN, MAX) LotSerialNbr in SubReport

ACH for TD Bank

Error: Another process has added the 'Customer' record.

Employee Payroll Taxes

How to fix Acuminator warning PX1076

Adding a Customer Status w/Logic attached

Project Billing screen not claulating tax for Avalara tax zone - 21.120.0039

Can we see the calculated Gram value in any of the DACs?

(2024R1) Adding barcodes to matrix items

When publishing customization projects, the system frequently hangs at the external carrier plugin step

How to include a custom filter field in a processing screen's filtering function

Facing issue with testsdk wrapper class

Operation parm for SOOrderEntry.CreateShipment

Recording Shipment against Service Order

Is it possible to have an automatic discount of $1 per extra item if purchasing 2 or more of the same item?

Insall Acumatica on Azure App Service?

Empty Warning: when publishing projects

Experience with Orbis DSD (direct store delivery/route) extension?

Exposing Generic Inquiry to REST API

Acumatica Web Service Endpoint version for 2024R1

Big Commerce Sync Schedules


Thank you all for your efforts! 

@Chris Hackett

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