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I believe the current integration does not allow this, but want to confirm. Often times the Customer drop ships the items for service to the customer and then sends a tech out to apply the service. They want to record the shipment and see the cost in the profitability of the Service Order.  It seems based on other knowledge based entries you currently can only ship from the Sales order, which doesn’t accumulate cost on the Service Order. If you place the items on the Service Order/Appointment, the items are allocated in inventory but not relieved which isn’t exactly correct (unless I’m missing something). Is there another way to do this? 


I think this would require customization to allow it to create a drop ship PO linked to the service order.



Hi David,


The items are drop shipped out of inventory not a PO., ahead of a later service visit. If you ship out of the Sales order,  you can create a shipment on the system to process the shipment through the shipping departement and record the shipment on the system, however even though it is cross referenced to a Service order, the cost is not included in the profitability on the Service order (even though it is related to the Service Order). If you place the items directly to the Service order they are allocated in inventory, but you can’t create a shipment on the system to create the shipment and process through the shipping department. It is allocated in inventory, even though out of inventory at point of shipment. Seems inaccurate, unless I’m missing something. 
