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I added to the Scan Move screen a save command on the lowest level of detail on the screen (you scan items, then go to list of items and open the item, I added it on what is the item section for the mobile app) 

I am trying to make the save button show all the time.  currently it doesn’t show until you change something.  Is there a way to trick the mobile app to show the button all the time, Kind of like setting IsDirty = true for screen customization logic. 

As always thank you in advance.

I have tried setting the underlying data to IsDirty = true and used SetStatus to try to get Mobile app to see the record as changed but it does not.  It seems the only thing that truly triggers it is when a field on the screen changes in the mobile app.  The odd thing is that the Scan Move has a save option at the top of a higher section in the mobile app and that one is visible always, but the one I tried to add to the lower Move section is not visible until a change.  Makes me believe that the Mobile app has something that controls this but I cannot find the command. 
