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Hello, I would like to use set assembly for articles. I have defined a set article IN209500, which consists of 3 components. However, when I create a customer order with this set article, only the set article appears in "Determine Requirements IN508000" and not the subcomponents. But before assembling the set, I need to know if all parts are available. Because I can't save the set if there isn't enough material available.

Hi @SchellerFer ,

It sounds like you are referring to kit assembly?  Prior to 2024 R1, kit components do not generate demand until the kit assembly is created.  In 2024 R1 kits are included in MRP.  Or if you are on the distribution edition then the new DRP (Distribution Requirements Planning) module can be added to provide this functionality if you need it.

With either MRP or DRP the demand will appear in the Inventory Planning Display (AM400000) after the MRP or DRP regen is run.  It’s my understanding that replenishment of kit components through screen IN508000 is still not supported.

Hope this helps!



Hi, yea i Hear it from The Haufe Summit last Weak. Thank you.
