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Restricting a user to create Sales Order Invoice type only from the Type field

  • 6 January 2023
  • 6 replies

Is it possible to restrict a specific user to only see the Invoice Type “Invoice” from the Sales Order Invoice screen SO303000 (and screen AR301000 as well)

That is there should not be able to select any option besides type “Invoice”


I have tries to use the Access Rights by screen option, and it seems it is also not working.

How best can I implement the intended restrictions to allow only a specific user to create Invoice types only and exclude the others (Cash Sale, Cash Return, Debit & Credit Memo)?

HI @kudzaim20 

Currently there is no restriction to give only access rights to just one type of Invoice. 

The only way around that would be possibly an approval map for those other types where it triggers an approval so they can not create them. 

Maybe you could suggest that as an idea for a future release.

HI @kudzaim20 

Currently there is no restriction to give only access rights to just one type of Invoice. 

The only way around that would be possibly an approval map for those other types where it triggers an approval so they can not create them. 

Maybe you could suggest that as an idea for a future release.

Alternatively can one just set the field to display only?

HI @kudzaim20 

Currently there is no restriction to give only access rights to just one type of Invoice. 

The only way around that would be possibly an approval map for those other types where it triggers an approval so they can not create them. 

Maybe you could suggest that as an idea for a future release.

Alternatively can one just set the field to display only?

That would require a customization. 

@Kandy Beatty 

Is there any option to add the approvals for SO303000 form in the Sales Order Module. When I checked it, I found that the approvals are available only for AR301000 in the Receivable Module. 

So then, how we restrict the access by selecting the type of document in SO303000 form as you mentioned previously ?

Thank you

@kudzaim20 find a solution? 

@kudzaim20 find a solution? 

The best workaround is to have the Return Credit go through an approval process, that is what I then proposed to the client and they agreed  to have RC types go an approval flow.
