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Does anyone experienced this issue. The report is looking fine when you hit Run report

However, when you click print we are receiving this error:


Hi @jionymacabuhay! I have seen this issue in the past and the fix was to do a Reset Caches and Application Restart from the System Management > Apply Updates screen.

Let me know if this fixes it for you too!

Hi @BenjaminCrisman - Thank you for the response! Do user need to logout? Or is it safe to run this after or before business hours? 

@jionymacabuhay The Reset Caches option will not kick people out, but Restart Application will kick all users out, so do this when it will least affect the users.

Hi @BenjaminCrisman  - Thanks sir! To make sure we will do the Restart Application off business hours. Thanks for the suggestions. 

Hi @BenjaminCrisman - Last question! We can do this to any tenant right? Restart Application to any tenant and all of them will be restarted. No need to go to each tenant and hit Restart Application. 

@BenjaminCrisman - Disregard the questions! 😁 Issue was resolved! Thank you so much for the help!
