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Issue referencing Production Order Attribute in report.

  • 9 June 2021
  • 4 replies

So we are about to try and use an attribute on our Production Orders for the first time. I have associated an attribute with a production order type that we use for all of our production orders. It is a checkbox. 


I now need to show a textbox on the production order ticket when this checkbox is checked, however, when I go to find the attribute in the schema builder, it’s not there. Normally when the attributes don’t show up, I’d just hit “Refresh All” to reload the fields and it would show up, but that’s not working for this case. 


We just upgraded to 21.106.0024 from 2019R2 and I have no way of telling if the upgrade is the root of my issue, as we just started using attributes on production orders this week.

If this attribute is a user-defined field, the responses from @Naveen B in this thread might be able to help you out:
Add User Defined Fields in report | Community (

Unfortunately, the Production Order Maintenance screen is not yet supporting user-defined fields. It is instead an attribute that has been associated at the order type level. The screen in question contains a tab that you can set and modify attributes in. 

I’m not familiar with the Manufacturing Edition, but I spun up my local site and poked around. The attribute structure here is different than the CSAnswers and UDF attributes I’m used to working with.

I think the data you’re looking for will need to be joined in from AMProdAttribute on OrderType and ProdOrdID. 



Neil, you rock. After a bit of tinkering in the report designer, I now have everything working just as we hoped it would.


Thanks a ton!
