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Sales invoices without customer tax zone

Is there a way to prevent invoices being created without a customer tax zone?



Best answer by Laura02

Hello @pcraske31 ,

I recommend checking the box “Tax Zone Required “ in Customer Class screen. Then identify and update existing customers who are missing tax zone.

These two changes will solve the problem without customization.


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Kandy Beatty
Captain II

HI @pcraske31 

Does the customer have a Tax Zone assigned to them? That will carry over to the Sales Order and to the invoice, but currently that is not a required field so users can delete it.

You could create a customization for that or the other option would be a business event to trigger a notification if the order does not have a tax zone. 


Captain I

Need a customisation to make field required but very straight forward. Need to change the attrbutes of the field to make it required . Attached is pacakge


Captain II
  • Captain II
  • November 6, 2023

Hello @pcraske31 ,

I recommend checking the box “Tax Zone Required “ in Customer Class screen. Then identify and update existing customers who are missing tax zone.

These two changes will solve the problem without customization.


Kandy Beatty
Captain II
Laura02 wrote:

Hello @pcraske31 ,

I recommend checking the box “Tax Zone Required “ in Customer Class screen. Then identify and update existing customers who are missing tax zone.

These two changes will solve the problem without customization.


This is a good suggestion as well, however, it still will allow users to change the taxzone and/or delete it. They can also disable automatic taxes. 



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