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Formatting a date in Report Designer

  • 20 October 2022
  • 4 replies

Does anyone know of a way to format a date in report designer as follows:

10th October 2022

I can get the date, month and year correct, but not the ‘th’.

Is this possible?


Hi @suemackeown13 

Are you looking for below one


Hi Kensium

Unfortunately that is not what I am looking for. If the date is 03.10.2022, we need it to show on the rpeort as 3rd October 2022. I can do the dd MMMM and yyyy, but what do I use for the ‘rd’?

Hi @suemackeown13 ,

I don’t know if there’s a standard date code for that but you could do it with a formula in the Value expression for the field, something like this:


=CStr(Day(Today())) + CStr(iif(Day(Today()) in (1, 21, 31), 'st', iif(Day(Today()) in (2, 22), 'nd', iif(Day(Today()) in (3, 23), 'rd', 'th')))) + ' ' + MonthName(Today()) + ' ' + CStr(Year(Today()))


Thank you Laura. I did thik of doing it that way but was hoping for a simpler option.

Thank you for your help.
