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Uploading Sales Price Worksheet - Does not see first row of EXCEL data for column mapping


The column name shown in the image above is row 2 in the EXCEL file.  Row 1 is the column headers.  I have copied and pasted values into a new spreadsheet etc. trying to get past this.  Seems to be an EXCEL thing but I cannot find how to get past this.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @ltussing03 

Can you share the excel?

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Kandy, thanks for the response.  I discovered they had blank rows in the data.  Made it get wonky.  I cleaned up the blank rows and it works fine.


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Kandy, thanks for the response.  I discovered they had blank rows in the data.  Made it get wonky.  I cleaned up the blank rows and it works fine.


Glad you got it Larry! 
