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Sales Orders - Show Lot/ Serial Number

HI All,

The Screen Sales Order always shows <SPLIT> on the Lot/ Serial Number Column.

There is any way that we can show the content instead of <SPLIT>?

Thank you,

Yên Chi

Best answer by Kandy Beatty

HI @chidao 

This is standard Acumatica. It does not just happen to Lot/Serial Numbers, it also happens to locations. 

The <split> issue is common. I have found an older article in the community that you could read other suggestions. 

Allow/Disallow split inventory locations | Community (

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Kandy Beatty
Captain II

HI @chidao 

This is standard Acumatica. It does not just happen to Lot/Serial Numbers, it also happens to locations. 

The <split> issue is common. I have found an older article in the community that you could read other suggestions. 

Allow/Disallow split inventory locations | Community (

Anacarina Calvo
Pro I

Hi @chidao 
The <SPLIT> will be shown if a Lot/Serial Nbr. is not selected or if more than one Lot/Serial Nbr. is selected for the same line. If only one Lot/Serial Nbr. is selected, then the content will be shown instead of the <SPLIT>. 


  • August 25, 2022

HI @Anacarina Calvo , the system will show Lot/ Serial Number after I save SO, and then I create Shipment, the system back to <SPLIT>. There are anyway we can set it to show the content with no matter which status

Before creating Shipment
After creating Shipment


Anacarina Calvo
Pro I

@chidao I suggest to report it. The Lot/Serial Nbr. is not changed to <SPLIT> after saving de document with IN Order types but I see that it is happening with SO Order types 

  • Freshman I
  • August 26, 2022

We are evaluating Acumatica now, and had a question about line splitting. Currently we sell product with a lot number. We sell most of our products in cases and sometimes as a lot number runs out of stock our current software will split the item into two lines on the pick ticket. 


So if our inventory is 

Lot 123 = 46 pcs

Lot 231 = 62 pcs 


And we sell the product in cases of 20 pcs (ie UOM 20/ cs). 

We have a sales order with 4 cases of product requested the pick ticket will show 

Pick - Lot 123 - 2.3 cases

Pick - Lot 231 -  1.7 cases 

This is really frustrating for our pickers, is this how acumatica does it as well? Does it atleast combine when invoicing? 




Jr Varsity II
  • Jr Varsity II
  • May 16, 2023

I run into the same issue with splitting the lots, our sale unit is in cases but the slits are down to eaches.  

When this is not caught it causes inventory issues.

We need lot selected but it auto selects & splits the lot.  I rather be prompt to select a lot than to have my clerk ignore the split and cause me more wasted time down the line figuring out what happened.

Is there is a setting I'm missing? 

  • May 22, 2023
NewGuy124 wrote:

We are evaluating Acumatica now, and had a question about line splitting. Currently we sell product with a lot number. We sell most of our products in cases and sometimes as a lot number runs out of stock our current software will split the item into two lines on the pick ticket. 


So if our inventory is 

Lot 123 = 46 pcs

Lot 231 = 62 pcs 


And we sell the product in cases of 20 pcs (ie UOM 20/ cs). 

We have a sales order with 4 cases of product requested the pick ticket will show 

Pick - Lot 123 - 2.3 cases

Pick - Lot 231 -  1.7 cases 

This is really frustrating for our pickers, is this how acumatica does it as well? Does it atleast combine when invoicing? 




Hi @NewGuy124 ,

In your case, you should set up Base Unit = PCS, Sales Unit = Cases. On-screen Sales Order and Invoice, the system will show only 1 line with unit cases

On the Shipment, the system will show 2 lines w different Lot using Unit = Cases. If you want the Printed Form to show 2 lines using Unit = PCS, you should customize the report joint w SOShipLIneSplit table and showing UOM & QTY from this table

Hope it works for you


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