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Good day all,

I have added a project column to the grid on the reconciliation tab of the Fixed Assets form. After that I added a project ID on the header as shown below

When I select a project ID at the top I want it to filter the data below using the project ID selected. I have extended the AssetMant graph using the code below but when I publish I get errors

namespace PX.Objects.FA
public class AssetMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<PX.Objects.FA.AssetMaint>
#region Event Handlers
public PXFilter<GLTranFilter> Filter;

protected virtual IEnumerable DsplAdditions()
if (Filter.Current != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Current.UsrProjectFilter))
// Apply filter to the grid's data view based on UsrProjectFilter
return DsplAdditions.Select().RowCast<FAAccrualTran>().Where(record =>
record.usrPJ == Filter.Current.UsrProjectFilter);
// If UsrProjectFilter is not specified, return all records
return DsplAdditions.Select();

Here is the error I am getting.

I have also attached the customization package below.

What could be the issue?



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