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Can I add Side Panel with Params coming from SO Lines?

  • 23 January 2021
  • 28 replies

Hello there,

We can add side panels to Entry screens now, and that’s awesome!  However, I can’t figure out a way to add a side panel, that would be filtered according to the selection on the SO Line.  I have created a couple GIs, added them onto a Dashboard that uses InventoryCD as a parameter.  Now, I would like to be able to add this Dashboard as a side panel to Sales Orders screen, and filter data based on what line item is selected on the sales order.

Any ideas?  Thank you!

I figured it out why my callback JS wasn’t working.  I was missing this aspx in the phF section of the aspx.  I placed it right before the </px:PXDataSource> closing tag.

 <ClientEvents CommandPerformed="commandResult" />

I now have it working.  Thanks to all for your supreme help.

Ignore this.  I edited this post.  It showed up as a duplicate of the previous comment.

@Dana Moffat - are we any closer to a permanent solution that will allow detail-level schema to be used as parameters for side-panel queries?
