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I am facing an  error in  numbering sequence.

Scenario :- I have created a snapshot from tenant screen in acumatica ( settings only snapshot). 

But when I restored this snapshot the numbering sequence gets reset to starting and the numbering sequence which was there in the instance while creating snapshot is been reset.

Eg:- suppose I am using Bill of Material and my numbering sequence as :- Starting Number - BOM000001 to End Number - BOM999999

and Last Number - BOM000037

So, When I create a snapshot from settings only and when I restored this on new tenant or instance it reset my last number to BOM000000 and when I create Bill of material it creates duplicate.

I have created CD field as my primary key in  DAC and Database table. 

Then also getting same issue. Is there any way in acumatica to resolve this and also is there any function in acumatica as OnImport and if then how can we use and where we can use it.??

Please suggest a solution for this.??



You can edit the existing Snapshot Settings or even create your own. Locally they will be in the the following folder

You can edit them using Notepad so if you take the Setting Only here is the line that is resetting the sequence 

Replace the 3 lines with  <Include  table="NumberingSequence"/> will put the table as it is in the snapshot.

You can build a customisation package on a local instance and then add this File in to it using the Files tab and the export and import the package to publish these to a non local instance

Hi @dcomerford ,

Thanks for suggestion

I have already tried this and it didn’t work . Please if you have any other solution Please let me know.

Also if you have ever used or know about OnImport function , Please let me know.


Thanks and Regards,


@Dhruv Strange have you looked in to the Snaoshot at the XML and seen what the entries are in the DocumentSequence xml file. We use a modified Snapshot to set the LastNumber for the Sequence when we do the cleardown before we start importing data for GO live.

Sorry i have no idea what the Onimport function is.

We had encountered a similar issue in 23R1 where we restored the snapshot, the numbering sequences now have an additional row added above the sequences we had created.  And also reset back to the beginning. 

