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Where can I see our Acumatica Usage?

  • 26 October 2022
  • 3 replies

Where can I see our Acumatica “usage”.  My understanding is our Acumatica license cost is based on usage.  So, I want to monitor our usage so I can compare  our usage to what our license allows or what we are paying for.  Thank you for any help you may give us. 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi Doug,

You can find that on the Licensing Monitoring Console:


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @dougmcbride79 

Along with what @DavidEichner specifically the Statistics tab will give you the details of ERP transactions and if you are over based on percentage:


Userlevel 6

Thank you so much.  I greatly appreciate your help.  
