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Same Stock Item Required in Multiple Template Items - Shopify Connector

  • 12 August 2024
  • 4 replies

Hey Everyone, I have a unique situation I’ve never come across before.


I have a client using the Shopify connector. In their Shopify store they sell the same product with the same SKU as a stand alone product as well as selling it as a part of up to 4 matrixed items. Acumatica only allows us to assign 1 Template item per product, however I need the ability to assign multiple template items to 1 stock item. Ideally I would also need the ability to sync the individual stock item by itself.

The primary reason we need the ability to do this is to allow us to sync product availability to the stand alone product in shopify as well as the sock item that is a part of the template items in order for Shopify to have correct product availability for all the iterations that this 1 stock item is sold as in Shopify.

I’m hoping someone else may have come across this and might have a workaround or solution. I created a case with Acumatica and they suggested a customization might be the only solution. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 



@freddydelrio39 , that’s not something you can do, I’m afraid. If you need to sync products OR price lists OR product availability, you will need to make sure that products are set up in Shopify and Acumatica in the exact same way: if a product is standalone in one system, it should be standalone in another, if it’s part of a template item, it must be part of the same template item in another. No duplication is allowed, and no differences in variants / matrix inventory.

If you must have the custom mapping between Acumatica and Shopify products, you would need to use a custom connector or a middleware.

Thanks, @Yuri Karpenko! Would this middleware need to be custom created or is there a provider that might have a one size fits all for this?

@freddydelrio39 , it would be an iPaaS, that require quite a bit of set up for your specific scenario.

I was afraid of that.

Thanks, @Yuri Karpenko!
