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UPDATE: Now the Matrix Item can be made as Product Kit easily by selecting the Is a Kit checkbox in the Matrix Item form. Please check this article 


Create Product Kits as Matrix Items by following the below steps. Please pay attention to the screenshots were I have created a Template Item called EnergyDrink with the 3 Product Kits as Pack of 4, 8, 12 and linked them as a Matrix Items to the EnergyDrink Template Item. 


  1. Create an Attribute from Attributes(CS205000) form, which would be treated as a Variant option to the Matrix Items. 


  2. Create an Item Class from Item Classes(IN201000) form and link the Attribute created in step 1 and make sure the category is set as Variant. 


  3. Create individual Stock Items from Stock Items(IN202500) form which are going to be used in the Product Kit.
  4. Create a Kit Inventory Items from Stock Items(IN202500) form with the same Item Class as created in Step 2. 


  5. Create Kit Specification from the Kit Specifications(IN209500) form for the Kit Inventory Items created in step 4 with the Stock Items created from step 3. 
  6. Create a Template Item from the Template Items(IN203000) form but do not create matrix items for it. 


Note: Up to now there is nothing special we did. It is usual Kit creation with a exception of making sure the Template Item and Kit Inventory Item has the same Item Class. 

  1. Publish the attached customization package. 
  2. Go to Item Class screen and check “Allow Edit Template ID” check box.


  3. Go to each Kit Inventory Item from Stock Items(IN202500) form and manually input the Template Item ID in the General Tab and also provide the right Variant Value for the Variant Option and then save the Kit Inventory Item. 
    Note: With the attached customization this could be done using the import scenarios. 
  4. Finally, the Template Item should look like the below. 

  5. This Template Item could be exported to eCommerce systems like Shopify or BigCommerce if required. 


This works really well! Thank you!

@joakley70 Glad it worked for you. If someone asks you about this workaround please share the article. Thank you. 

Hello, we are trying to create Matrix Kit items in version 2021 R2.  The process you have so kindly detailed above did not work for us, with or without the attached customization published. Is your solution compatible with 2021 R2? If not, what are the steps to create matrix kits in 2021 R2? Thank you.

@laura01 I have used this customization package to unlock the template ID field in Acumatica on 2021R2 and older with no problems. Do you have the check box set to true for edit template ID on the item class? You can use this feature to either add existing stock items to templates, or disconnect existing matrix item to edit and then reattach to the template item. Remember that you must have associated attributes between the entities and they must be unique. Also, be sure the attributes are set as variants on the item class.  

Hello Mr. Joakley70. Thank you so mych for helping me. We do have ‘Allow Edit Template ID’ checked ON for the Item class. Yes, the Attribute is marked as a Variant on the item class. Please, what do you mean by ‘associated attributes between the entities must be unique’? Inventory Stock Items, I think, are the only entity I’m using. We added one color attribute to the Item Class -- do you mean by unique, the same color attribute can’t be used on another stock-kit-matrix item? Our Matrix Kits each have only one  attribute for color. I’ve attached details. Thank you, again.

We downloaded again the customization attached to this post and installed it on a fresh Sales Demo in 2021 R2. when we attempt to make a regular Matrix item (not a Kit Matrix, just a regular matrix item) with 1 variant, this error appears:  “Attribute ‘MX_Dummy’ does not exist in Template”. We can’t see the Dummy Attribute in the attributes screen, but I expect it’s there. (We can see it in our other tenants only because we’ve added a Preview List to attributes that shows the dummy attribute.) It seems like in 2021 R2, we possibly need to add the MX_Dummy attribute to our item classes, but we can’t see the dummy attribute from the item classes screen, in order to add it to the item classes.  Thank you.


  • The customization from this post helps you import the template items using a import scenario, it is not related to manual template item creation. I think you will get this error irrespective of the customization. 
  • In 2021R2, it is not required to create dummy attribute anymore as it is supported out of the box. 
  • You dont have to add a dummy attribute to any screen including the Item classes. 

Since your error is not completely pertinent to this post, I would recommend creating a case with Acumatica so that the support team can help you. Once that is resolved, then you can try the steps in this post. 

Hi @KarthikGajendran thank you for this solution. It helps me a lot.


Hi @KarthikGajendran , sorry for this question but, this solution works for 2020R2 version?. I have not yet been able to test it. Thnk u

@emmanuelmeza62  Yes, it works for 2020R2. Please dont forget to publish the customization attached to the post. 

Hi @KarthikGajendran 

We have used what you provided, and it worked great. The only thing that we saw was that when a template has only a single attribute, you get an error for “MX Dummy Attribute”. Do you have a fix for that? The solution we found was to unpublish the package and then it would allow use to create the matrix items. 

@kbeatty21 Which version are you using? In 21R2, the dummy attribute is not required anymore. If suppose, your item class has dummy attribute please delete it and if you cant please make it inactive. Then the dummy attribute selection should not available in the matrix item. 

@kbeatty21, Hi Kandy, You have encountered the same error I posted to this thread 1 month ago. We found that the 2021 R2 upgrade “broke” the customization provided in this thread. The solution for us was:

  1. Import children stock or non-stock items
  2. Create Attributes (variants)
  3. Add Variants (attributes from step 2) to Item Classes
  4. Create Template items in same class as items in step 1 and classes in step 3
  5. Publish matrix item customization from this thread
  6. Associate stock or non-stock items to parents (add template id to stock or non-stock items)
  7. Un-publish customization from this thread


Hi @KarthikGajendran  

We are using 2021 R2. We have unpublished the package, so that attribute does not appear anymore. Thank you for the reply. 

More information: The customization does more than allow import of matrix items. It does more than allow a single variant matrix item:  The customization from this thread allows the user to control & manually assign the Item ID’s that are matrix. We needed specific ID’s on our matrix items, to match a pre-existing catalog with product codes that have been the same for many years.

I do not see the customization where can I get it?

I do not see the customization where can I get it?

I sent it to you. 

@kbeatty21, Hi Kandy, You have encountered the same error I posted to this thread 1 month ago. We found that the 2021 R2 upgrade “broke” the customization provided in this thread. The solution for us was:

  1. Import children stock or non-stock items
  2. Create Attributes (variants)
  3. Add Variants (attributes from step 2) to Item Classes
  4. Create Template items in same class as items in step 1 and classes in step 3
  5. Publish matrix item customization from this thread
  6. Associate stock or non-stock items to parents (add template id to stock or non-stock items)
  7. Un-publish customization from this thread


@laura01 - We are facing this issue. We do not want to first import the Stock Items, and then associate them to the Parent Items. Instead, we want to create the Matrix Items from the Parent/Template Items. However, there is a possibility that we might change some things on the Matrix Items (Ex. Item Classes). Therefore, we would need the Customization Package that is on this thread above. Do you have any suggestions on how to address this? Appreciate your guidance on this. Thank you!


I sent you a message. 

On the latest build of 2022R2, I am getting the MX DUMMY error message when attempting to create template matrix items with a single variant.  Does anyone know a workaround to this?

@DavidEichner If you previously used Dummy attribute then it must be removed. Please create a case with Acumatica Support. They will help you. More info below. 


I’ve never used a DUMMY attribute

I ran the Generic Inquiry to look for DUMMY attribute and got no results

@DavidEichner Did you publish the customization attached in this article? If yes, please unpublish it and try again. Publish this only when required and unpublish it when not needed. This is just a workaround for now. 

In 23R1, this customization is not required because it is included in the core. 

We never used that customization.
