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Hello! I am trying to get these fields on the SO screen into a GI. However, even though there are data shown in here, I was not able to get the Dropship PO Status and Dropship PO Line Nbr to show up. I checked in SOLine DAC and it says the fields are “nonexistence in DB.” What does this actually mean? If I am seeing data here why am I not able to pull them into a GI? 



Thanks in advance!



Did you notice this previous post on the same topic, answered by Naveen?

I hope the suggestions in the above post help to answer your questions.



hi ​@Laura02 

Yes I did see the post on that. However, I am still unclear on why the field shows up on a screen with data but is marked as “nonexistent in DB.” Thanks! 

Hi ​@jzhu,

Those “nonexistence in DB” fields are just using for displaying the values on the screen. Generic inquiries fetching Database tables to display the values which are existed in database. We are not able to fetch the non DB fields in GI.
However you can join the POOrder table to SOLine in GI relations and match the Purchase order Nbr to fetch the status and Line Nbr from POlIne DAC.
Hope, it helps!

HI ​@Dipak Nilkanth It seems like the SOLine table and POOrder table cannot be joined with the POOrderNbr. Am I using the wrong field? I tried POOrder.OrderNbr and it did not work either. 

