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How can I add the Remit to address to a Vendors GI? The account address is already used in the GI and is from the same table and is the same data field as the Remit to Address. The address being pulled for the GI is always the account address and is unable to also pull the remit to address. Has anyone ever tried doing this before? 

@dlesser The Remit To Address if being overridden would affect the Default Location VRemitAddressID value.

So what you need is adding Location and another Address DAC with different Alias to out of the box Vendor Primary List (AP3030PL)

  1. Inner Relation of  VendorR to Location using VendorR.BaccountID equals Location  and VendorR.defLocationID equals Location.locationID
  2. Inner Relation of  Location to Add2 (Alias I used for the second instance of address DAC) using Location.BaccountID equals Add2.bAccountID and Location.vRemitAddressID equals Add2.addressID

Finally you can pull up the Address Line1 and so on using Add2 as the Object when adding fields on Results Grid
