After upgrading to 22R1, for some of our Self-Service Portal users, their cases queries (Open Cases in particular) are showing incorrect results. For some users, they aren’t seeing any of their cases. For some, they see Closed cases in the Open Cases query. Any thoughts? I also can’t figure out how to even debug the query since it’s Portal, if anyone has any tips. I guess I could do a SQL trace.
If you were on a build prior then you’ll want to check the conditions or relations and make sure that they line up to show individual results of cases to owner.
The query can be viewed in the main site and edited from there, it doesn’t need to be troubleshoot from the portal, but there should be some hidden menu options which you can see when logged in as user with Portal Admin role (Administrator menu, Generic Inquiries).
If you export the GI and attach it or show some screenshots it might be easier to make a recommendation.
It was 2019R2 actually. I’m aware of the owner id changing to an employee id (guid), but I wasn’t sure how to see the query. I’ll try to log into the main site with my Portal credentials and see if that works.
You can try to click the clipboard at the top > Reset to Default to see if there was customization changes which could be affecting it, though I would recommend to export it first to make sure that you don’t lose changes.
If you want to export the portal GI and upload it here then we could check it also if you need.
The screen ID for the Open Cases screen is SP204000 in Portal, but it’s not shown in the main site under Generic Inquiries.
It looks like SP204000 is an .aspx, not a GI. The .aspx references SP.Objects.SP.SPCaseOpenInquiry, so it must be embedded in SP.Objects.dll.
It makes more sense now why we having a disconnect, but I would recommend to also include screenshots with your posts to make sure we’re on the same page
Because it is built-in then you would need to do customizations to change it, but on that note, it is also expected to be correct if it is our screen.
Might need to make a support case if the portal is acting up
I have an Acumatica support case open
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