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I have been trying to figure out if this functionality is possible in Report Designer. I have a report with a grouping of items. I am trying to add an image that spans however many rows are in that group, but currently if I add a pictureBox to the section, it will repeat for X number of rows in the group and also add additional whitespace for each row.


Is it possible to have an image (pictureBox) span multiple detail rows/groups in report designer? I have seen a previous example using a vertical line that spans down the entire length of the report by using the “bring to top” option, but trying to recreate this using a panel with a picturebox included has been unsuccessful. I’ve also attempted using a panel, line, and/or pictureBox with a background embedded image set, but that did not work either.




Dear @mbridges00,

Have you tried using a subreport in your detail section? Something like that:

The subreport would list all the items in your group.

One thing I’m not 100% sure if whether the subreport can expand if there are more rows that can fit in the pre-configured height.

If you’re not familiar with the use of subreports, @Doug Johnson wrote a nice blog post where he uses this feature: Technical Tuesday: Building a Project Overview Report in Acumatica Cloud ERP Software, Part 3




Thank you for the suggestion. After adding a subreport to the detail section and then making some additional changes to the schema/grouping, I believe this is working as I need it to.
