Does anyone have a good way to calculate the weeks of supply based on the current available inventory? I’m trying to add this to a GI and my thought was to base it on the qty sold over the past 60 days; taking that qty divided by 8.57 (the approximate # of weeks that are in 60 days) would give me the qty sold per week. Then I’d need to divide the qty available by the qty sold per week to get the # of weeks supply. But I can’t figure out how to make that work in a formula.
How to calculate weeks of supply
Best answer by mikeho
In case anyone else can use it, our new VAR was able to assist in producing a calculation that worked for our needs:
Average Weekly Sales:
=IIF(DateDiff( 'week', Min(SWITCH( [INTran.TranType] = 'RCP', [INTran.TranDate]), ), Today())>0,Sum(IIf( [INTran.TranType] = 'INV', [INTran.Qty], 0)) / DateDiff( 'week', Min(SWITCH( [INTran.TranType] = 'RCP', [INTran.TranDate]), ), Today()), 0)
Weeks of Supply:
=IIF((IIF(DateDiff( 'week', Min(SWITCH( [INTran.TranType] = 'RCP', [INTran.TranDate]), ), Today())>0,Sum(IIf( [INTran.TranType] = 'INV', [INTran.Qty], 0)) / DateDiff( 'week', Min(SWITCH( [INTran.TranType] = 'RCP', [INTran.TranDate]), ), Today()), null))<>0, MAX([INLocationStatus.QtyAvail])/(IIF(DateDiff( 'week', Min(SWITCH( [INTran.TranType] = 'RCP', [INTran.TranDate]), ), Today())>0,Sum(IIf( [INTran.TranType] = 'INV', [INTran.Qty], 0)) / DateDiff( 'week', Min(SWITCH( [INTran.TranType] = 'RCP', [INTran.TranDate]), ), Today()), null)), 0 )
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