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Hi all, 

How do I access the link I posted to acumatica without having an acumatica account to log in. 
I have successfully attached the link to the email, but I don't know how to let people outside access it

Thanks in advanced

You would need to create an account for the user that requires access to the file.  Acumatica does not allow access to files without logging in under an account.  This is in line with best security practices. 

It would be best to attach the file directly to the email with a customization rather than through a link if you do not want the recipient to have a login to Acumatica. 

This is not possible as the link works only when you login.

However, a customization can be build to add the documents in an email as attachments.


Thanks @ramuv9 @Robert Sternberg  so much. Can I ask is it possible to export all file we upload in shipment screen  


Hi @hthuy24 

The files attached are embedded at database level and is not possible to export. One can download individual files from the ‘Files’ window on specific entity. To move all embedded files of all entities, one can create a local storage and move the files. Here is the documentation link which explains the process.

Hope this helps,


@hthuy24 Just for clarification

  • Although moving the files outside the ERP to some degree may help as suggested by @vkumar of course it will require a decision at administration level and please make sure to understand the associated risks as outlined by Acumatica 
  • Also the external storage will provide a search like you have on you local drive using Windows standard file search that I don’t think will be so elegant. 
  • Unfortunately this is a limitation in Acumatica and considering each user may have a different need and filtering criteria so I DO NOT blame Acumatica. 
  • You are not the only one who has reached out about this. Out of the companies I help, two of them have raised the similar (but in different areas) question just in the past 3 weeks. Below is the last one just raised a few days ago.


  • If this is going to be an ongoing need for your business you will need a customized mass download screen allowing users to define some parameters and have the engine download attachments and categorize in subfolders based on the containing documents.

Hi @hthuy24 

The files attached are embedded at database level and is not possible to export. One can download individual files from the ‘Files’ window on specific entity. To move all embedded files of all entities, one can create a local storage and move the files. Here is the documentation link which explains the process.

Hope this helps,


@hthuy24 Just for clarification

  • Although moving the files outside the ERP to some degree may help as suggested by @vkumar of course it will require a decision at administration level and please make sure to understand the associated risks as outlined by Acumatica 
  • Also the external storage will provide a search like you have on you local drive using Windows standard file search that I don’t think will be so elegant. 
  • Unfortunately this is a limitation in Acumatica and considering each user may have a different need and filtering criteria so I DO NOT blame Acumatica. 
  • You are not the only one who has reached out about this. Out of the companies I help, two of them have raised the similar (but in different areas) question just in the past 3 weeks. Below is the last one just raised a few days ago.


  • If this is going to be an ongoing need for your business you will need a customized mass download screen allowing users to define some parameters and have the engine download attachments and categorize in subfolders based on the containing documents.

Thanks @aaghaei for ur kind explanation.

Hi @hthuy24 

The files attached are embedded at database level and is not possible to export. One can download individual files from the ‘Files’ window on specific entity. To move all embedded files of all entities, one can create a local storage and move the files. Here is the documentation link which explains the process.

Hope this helps,


@ramuv9 Thanks @ramuv9 so much. 

Hi, Here I have one more solution regarding to your initial query.

You can create a new report using report designer and call the attachments into it. And later attach the created report in the Email template.

And you can call JPG, JPJ, GIF, PNG and PDF etc file types into the report and they convert as PDF and attach in the email.

We have done something similar earlier.

Hopefully this is helpful!!! Instead of customization you can do it with Report designer!

@ramuv9  Do you have any working sample of pulling attachments into a report that you can upload hear for reference?

Hi, Here I have one more solution regarding to your initial query.

You can create a new report using report designer and call the attachments into it. And later attach the created report in the Email template.

And you can call JPG, JPJ, GIF, PNG and PDF etc file types into the report and they convert as PDF and attach in the email.

We have done something similar earlier.

Hopefully this is helpful!!! Instead of customization you can do it with Report designer!

Hi @ramuv9 for ur idea. I used to think about it but I have not succeeded yet. Can you explain more for us about the idea ?


I will check and revert.


I will check and revert.

Hi, ​@ramuv9 . Were you able to check and provide an example of calling a PDF file into a report? I have only had success if the file is an image such as jpeg or png.

Thank you
