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I have custom data fields in my results grid that categorize my AR data into different timeframes. 


I want to sort my data by the “Overdue total” data field, but it does not appear as an option in the sort order dropdown. I’ve tried to copy and paste the same formula into the sort order tab, but the data does not sort correctly. 

I have no idea what step I’m missing. 

@ElvinT I’m not really sure the GI sort field is meant to be that robust, so it may not be able to do that function.

A couple options might be to create a SQL view of this output and then use this in the GI, or it might actually work better as a report.

Check and see if it sorts correctly ungrouped

How would i go about creating a SQL view?

Hi @ElvinT 

Please refer to the post below.


Best Regards,



Hi @ElvinT 

I’ve created a quick GI with some data I had nearby. The sorting formula makes no sense, but it shows that it clearly supports formulas:

This pencil icon means the field supports Formulas
Sorting logic. Formula: Day from Date Field in DAC - Today’s Day
Result is sorted according to the field

So I’d suggest looking at your formula. You can troubleshoot it by decomposing it into parts, which you can show as a separate column. And then visually check if there are any problems with showing the value for it.
