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Excel Layout and Report Designer

  • 5 June 2024
  • 6 replies

Finding out an issue where the Header on my report does not cover all cells when I export to Excel.  This is my first attempt at updating/adjusting Excel formatting with Report Designer.

How do I adjust a group or header to match the total cells on the report?  Or, is there some documentation on the Excel formatting and Report Designer?


Please click the field that exports “too small” and then expand the Excel settings.  Enter Width > 1 to change the default width of your header field.


two issues with this solution:

  1. when I did >1 in the width on the field, it crashed the report when running it
  2. It’s not a “field” that I’m having issues with I don’t think.  It’s the highlighted property of the header group/

Ok, I was reading >1 too literal I think.  Understanding now that width and height is number of cells.

Yes, I did mean a number greater than 1 cell! 



For the moment my work around is to add a blank text box that covers the number of cells I am trying to extend to, but it feels like there is a better solution.

Hi @claudematherne24,

Please expand the Excel settings for your subaccount field in the header section and change the width of that field to the maximum column number in a single line. For example, if the subaccount field's column is set to 2 in the Excel settings and the report contains a maximum of 10 fields in a single line, the width of the subaccount field should be set to 9. This will ensure that the report header covers the entire width of the report.

Hope this solution works for you!
