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I’m working with a GI of all my items and want to have different columns showing up for each item class, Ideally I would like to work with one GI and create advanced filters for each item class so they will appear in different tabs and create a different view for each tab, but it seems they all have to be the same view.

is there anyway to have more than one view from the same generic inquiry instead of having to create multiple GI reports for each view I need? 

You can not. There are some known limitations in GI including dynamically show/hide columns, using parameters in the grouping, styling based on aggregated values, adding subtotals to the grid display, and more.

@Pinny  As indicated by aaghaei. This is a limitation for GI.

The functionality being discussed involves the inability to modify perspectives, but instead implementing improved filters and organizing resulting data into separate tabs

Thank you @Naveen Boga @aaghaei For your reply.

so is the only solution so far to create multiple generic inquiries for each view? or any other solution or third party product that can help with this? 


Unfortunately, GI is one of few Acumatica Items that can not be customized and I have not seen any third-party ISV that does such as you need. Just by the generic description that you provided, I honestly have a very vague idea of what is your use case and how it is important for you, and how time-consuming is going to be the maintenance of multiple GIs that you need to create.

Your alternate option is to create a GI (not the generic version but code based) with some settings on top by changing the settings parameters your result grid is updated accordingly and column visibility is set. Of course, this will need customizations but it is up to you to determine the cost/benefit of each option and proceed accordingly.

@aaghaei Thanks so much for idea, that might be a great solution for my use case.

may I please ask if you can please guide me were I can read or watch some more details on code based GI?

Assuming you are comfortable with C# coding and know the code-based customizations, from Acumatica university T Series course watch/read Inquiry Screens sessions (if I recall correctly it was 3 session while ago when I watched). 

plus, considering you are going to have multiple layout/output in one screen you will need to read View Delegate (there are many samples I.e. you can find on Zelenskyy blog or Asia blog)


won’t be an easy one honestly if you are not experienced.

Thank you @aaghaei 
