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I need the detail section to print by invoice due date:

Due in the next 7 days print first

Due over 7 days print second

Anything already overdue print last.


I have created 3 detail sections 

and for each section have added a visible expression:

=(>ARInvoice.Status] = 'N') And (DateDiff('d', Today(),(ARInvoice.DueDate]) > '0' And 
DateDiff('d', Today(),yARInvoice.DueDate]) < '8')




=(>ARInvoice.Status] = 'N') And (DateDiff('d', Today(),dARInvoice.DueDate]) <= '0')


however when I run the report it prints in the wrong order



I have also tried to do this as a group with the same result using a nested IIF statement and only 1 detail section.

=IIf( DateDiff('d', Today(), ARInvoice.DueDate]) > '0' And 
DateDiff('d', Today(),,ARInvoice.DueDate]) < '8', &ARInvoice.DueDate],
IIf (DateDiff('d', Today(),,ARInvoice.DueDate]) > '7', ARInvoice.DueDate],
IIf (DateDiff('d', Today(),,ARInvoice.DueDate]) <= '0',&ARInvoice.DueDate],


Any help will be appreciated.


Hi @gauravsharma96! For this issue when you specify a grouping section, you can specify how that group sorts:

If you are needing to sort the detail section then you can specify how this sorts in the report printing screen or in the build schema:

Have you already tried using these sections?

HI, @BenjaminCrisman, thanks for the reply, yes I have tried that, cant seem to find a way to print the 3 detail sections in the order required, will keep testing and .come back if I get a solution

Do you still have this issue? Can you please attach your report?

Hi @miguel80, still have the issue, I have uploaded the report any support is appreciated.


You can either order them by DueDate in ascending or descending order, but you can’t have that particular order on the report. If I understand correctly you want:

  • Due in less than 7 days
  • Due in more than 8 days
  • Past Due

But that is not chronological… you could do:

  • Due in more than 8 days
  • Due in less than 7 days
  • Already past due.

If it’s very important for you to achieve this particular order you can use a subreport to do it.

Let me know and I can tell you how.

I have a version of you report that works with the alternate order if you want it.

Thanks @miguel80 for looking at this, customer is ok with the solution as is, I will play around with sub reports for the future, thanks again much appreciated.
