Created a new Business Event Based on status chnage on a new Sales order GI
Business Event did not trigger as expected
Copied the GI and BE to Sales Demo instance and trigger worked as expected
what could the issue be on the customer instance to cause the BE not to trigger ?
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Hi @dsimmerly ,
Troubleshooting Business Events is tricky business. If you haven’t already, @Irina ‘s article is a good place to start:
Next, I would try to see if there are any other automations running in the background. My Business Events stop working when I do big uploads/imports (so I need to do them during off hours).
You may want to try Restarting the Dispatchers and Clearing Queues, and see if that gets them firing:
Finally, there’s the standard advice of making the Business Event GI as simple as possible, even if it means creating multiples to cover different scenarios. And it’s advised you make sure the fields used in Joins are included in the Results.
Hope one of those things help!
Hi @dsimmerly
Is both Acumatica version are matching,
There are some steps we need to monitor.
Make sure we are adding the key fields ( Yellow color fields in DAC) in Generic inquiry,
Troubleshoot if email notification causing an conflict with subject lines or TO receiptents data fields
change the trigger records and verify once.
Change the record conditions like record inserted, field changes and verify it.