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Employee Time Cards - Only Dsplay Cost Codes of Certain Account Groups


Hi. We are using Acumatica for time capture and payroll processing.

When users are entering time, they should only be selecting cost codes that have Labor account groups setup for them in the cost budget. Right now, Acumatica will allow them to see and select all of the projects cost codes.

To bypass this, we’ve created TASKS that only have Labor account group cost codes in it - then setting this to default task.

The problem with that is there are multiple areas in Acumatica that the task then defaults to our Labor only task - so accounting has to change this each time.

Would be ideal if there was a way for only certain account groups to be selected and seen at the time entry screen.

Best answer by tsnyder16

I would add this as an idea for Acumatica.  It is possible to stop transactions from being created that do not match a project/task/cost code/account group(GL Account) “key” on the Cost Budget because our software engineers created a customization to do just this.  

However, we do have clients that want the system to create this additional “cost budget line” so I think there should be a flag on the Project Preference Setting on how to handle these “additional” cost transaction lines (allow or prevent).

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  • Varsity III
  • 34 replies
  • Answer
  • June 9, 2022

I would add this as an idea for Acumatica.  It is possible to stop transactions from being created that do not match a project/task/cost code/account group(GL Account) “key” on the Cost Budget because our software engineers created a customization to do just this.  

However, we do have clients that want the system to create this additional “cost budget line” so I think there should be a flag on the Project Preference Setting on how to handle these “additional” cost transaction lines (allow or prevent).



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