Our production process involves purchasing some items directly from the production order through Critical Materials in order to maintain the link upon receipt and ultimately the release/issuance of materials.
However, there exists times where some of these items will arrive late (beyond our production end date). In these cases, we will still complete and close the production order (& ship out the order) despite not receiving certain items. This order is considered short shipped, as we shipped the order without certain items.
These missing items are then added to a Sales Order and shipped and installed at the client’s site at a future date - once received.
We have run into an issue as the goal would be:
- Once we close the production order, we would like to move the “short shipped” items to a Sales Order and link to the outstanding PO.
The issue I’m having is I’m unable to unlink that PO from the now closed production order. As a result, I’m unable to link the PO to the newly created Sales Order - it does not appear on the list.
Is there a way to unlink a PO that was generated from a production order. My expectation was that once the production order was closed, that link would be broken and the PO could be linked again but that’s not what I’m seeing.
Has anyone worked on similar issue?