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Does anybody have an import scenario for the product configurator?

Hi @jmorris30 

I'm hoping that you are using Product Configurator V2 version.

Are looking for only configurable products import scenario? Or all type of products?

I am working on version 2020 r2 so I assume it is v2.

I am looking to import configurable items and I currently have an import scenario for normal BOM’s if that is what you are referring to?



Hi @jmorris30 ,

I have attached​ configurable products imports scenarios (parent and child items). Hope this helps!!



Thank you so much!!!!  I will test it out soon.


Thank you for sharing the import scenrio.  We will test it and provide feedback.


the zip file seems to be for the Kensium product configurator and not the Manufacturing Product Configurator. I have some that may work but we need to discuss your specific use of the configurator because of the complexity of the configuration maintenance form; e.g. are you using attributes.  You can enter a support case and it will get to me more than likely.

@jmorris30 could you please update us with your findings?

@dennisgodsill36  I am also looking for import scenarios for the manufacturing module - production orders (maintenance & detail) , product configurator - not the Kensium add-on

We would need to have a meeting to discuss the specific requirements.  Production orders are simple; production details can work if you don’t have bills of material for the item you want to make. 

I have import scenarios that might work for product configurator but there are complications related to how the rules are defined and if attributes are being used to select options.

Please enter an implementation support case if you want to review this.  We generally do not bill for a meeting to discuss requirements.

@dennisgodsill36   Dennis - an implementation assist support case has been entered  (#178004)

@dennisgodsill36 We’re looking for a product configurator import scenario as well.

We’d like to import Sales Orders with Product Configurations (for custom orders) and Production Orders with Product Configurations (for make to stock orders)

Do you have any import scenarios that would fit this or any guidance you can give?

Does anyone have a copy of that product configurator import scenario handy? 


Thank you,





We’re still looking for this as well if anyone has one they can share

I don’t think there is even an option to import into details into Product Configurator on a Sales Order screen. The Configurator is not exposed for API calls, neither it is exposed to import scenarios. The reasoning behind it is that every configurator is very unique.

Now, if the question is how to import into Configuration Maintenance screen, it’s pretty similar to any other data entry form. However, there is one little nuance to it, after populating BOM ID, click SAVE button (in your import scenario) and continue populating Features. If you don’t click SAVE button, nothing happens, because Features are not enabled until the configuration is saved.


Thanks so much for the tip on configuration maintenance! We’re importing configuration maintenance as well and that was our issue. I’ll share the import scenario for that in a bit, since it’s not in Acumatica nor anywhere here on the forums.

Our implementer said they’ve had customers do a C# customization and expose the product configurator to the API. Trying to get more info on that. In addition per Angie Rowley, it’s on Acumatica’s roadmap:
Feed Data into Product Configurator | Community (

Product Configurator- take over data from SO line | Community (


Here are the Import / Export Scenarios and Data Provider to manage Configuration Maintenance.
Note the following:

  1. These import / export scenarios are set up to use the same data provider
  2. This is NOT to manage Configuration Entry, only Maintenance
  3. Attributes and rules are not yet supported. See @dennisgodsill36‘s comment above on complications related to that.
  4. This does not include every single column in the configurator form. Just the ones that our company needed. Shouldn’t be hard to add other columns though.
  5. If using auto-numbered config id’s, you will need to change the config id’s in the Excel file  to be unique in order to avoid duplicate configuration errors.

@angierowley75 It would be great if Acumatica could add the attributes and rules portions and include it in Acumatica’s core product.

Very late to the party, but relatively new to the community. The problem with trying to import Product configurator data is two-fold. 
1) From the sales order, selecting the “Configure” button to open the configuration entry form is a redirect to a new screen ID (AM306000) and it’s not possible to import data to two different screens without customization.
2) The configuration entry screen is dynamically generated at the time of opening the configuration and the number of attributes, options and features all change depending on the product configuration this makes it difficult to have a ‘generic’ import scenario for importing all possible configurations. 

For those of you who have had experience with Velixo, there is a way that you could make a spreadsheet that can import the sales order lines, identify the configuration ID and then subsequently import the configuration details, however, it involved creating a new import scenario for each product configuration making it a cumbersome tool to use and maintain.

 Acumatica has dropped a good surprise on us: 2023R2 Beta 2 includes a Product Configurator Endpoint!
See the release notes here:AcumaticaERP_2023R2_Beta2_ReleaseNotes_for_Developers.pdf (


