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How i view Deleted Records of BILL of Material

Dear Fellows

if i deleted bill of material BOM000017 

how i view this record in aCumaticaERP

in GI i click show deleted records but i can  t get any feild ya table for deleted record of bom

Hello @tahirsiddiqui190 

Have you enabled the audit history ? 


If enabled we can see the BOM details audit history who has created/Modified /Deleted?


kindly check 

Hi @tahirsiddiqui190 

Check the audit history of BOM details BOM000017 



can u share table name i want to call it in gI

Hi @tahirsiddiqui190 

What exactly you are looking for deleted records of BOM?

If you navigate to audit history screen then select the screen ID=AM208000 you will get few detaiLs below and select BOM materails.

Thank you

i create a GI of Bill of material i want deleted boms all 

Hi @tahirsiddiqui190 

Please share the GI once. Thanks

in this GI i have all records
but i also want deleted records also mean both 



its duplicate of AM-Bill of material 

its duplicate of AM-Bill of material 

Hello @tahirsiddiqui190 

Please share the XML format of GI


pls find attached

i want both deleted and active boms records

@manikantad18 bro ??

Hi @tahirsiddiqui190 

I see the issues from my end, I will check and let you know If I found a solution here.


ok bro am waiting your reagards


Hi @tahirsiddiqui190


It seems the BOM tables does not have delete data base records data to reflect in the GI,



dear any other way ??  how i call this audithistory in GI is this possible

