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Hello All,

I have been trying to fix this one for a long time but I need some help!


I have setup an automation schedule on the Process Import Scenario Screen. This Automation schedule is set up as follows:


The schedule history looks as follows: 


The Result states Processing is completed but with errors but when I check the for the records on the screen it is supposed to be imported, I cannot find it. It has not been processed. 

What am I missing out on? When I run this manually on either Process import scenario screen or Import by scenario screen, it runs just fine but not processing the same through Automation.


Can someone please help?




I’m also having trouble with this screen but my automation schedule won’t even execute. I have the same settings as my live environment (2020R2). I even created a new import scenario to test with, still nothing. I am on version 22.209.0029 , what version are you on?

Hello @podonnell11, I am on version 21.212.0039.
I think I have found a workaround to make the prepare and Import automation schedule work. I found that the automation schedule only runs the prepare and import action if there is no data already processed in the import by scenario screen for the import scenario you are automating. So before I run the prepare and import automation, I run another automation to “Clear Data” on the import by scenario screen and this executes the new file without failures, and you can also check records that were processed/errored out on the import by scenario screen once the automation works.
