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Hi all,


This is my first import scenario and I’m missing something simple but fundamental. We’re transitioning to MRP shortly and need to do a mass update of many different screens. One of the things that will need to be updated is our units of measure need to be consolidated. As a test in our sandbox, I exported all items (421) with the Base UOM of EACH, and I would like to update it to EACH* (an easy identifier that I can switch back).

I’ve set my data provider and import scenario, and when I prepare and import in import by scenario it processes and I see a green pop up that everything was successful. However, when I go into stock items I see that the Base UOM field has not been updated. Here are my screens:


The spreadsheet is .xlsx with one sheet/tab named ‘Data’ and two columns.


The provider and provider object look good… but I think my mapping is off.

I want the mapping to be if “Inventory ID = InventoryCD, then replace the value in General → Unit of Measure Base Unit with the value in data provider.xlsx BaseUnit column”


All 421 stock items appear to import correctly… but when I then go to stock items and spot check, none of the items UOM were updated.

Any help is appreciated!


I have a couple ideas that I hope will help you.

First, are you able to make the same change manually?  We can only import actions that are successful manually: 1) is the Base Unit field editable manually, and 2) will the field accept the * character when it’s typed manually?

I am able to edit Base Unit on some of my demo Stock Items and not others. Ad educated guess is, for those stock items with nothing on hand, Base Unit may be edited.  In my demo, I’m not able to add * to the Base unit in Stock Items screen, nor can I add * to the Units in Configuration → Units of Measure.

I recommend trying an alpha character or characters instead, such as XX.


I recommend trying an alpha character or characters instead, such as XX.

Hi Laura,

I was thinking the same thing and changed it to EACHX, thinking that maybe field type didn’t allow non-alpha characters. I also couldn’t update it when I changed to EACHX.

I tried what you recommended, and when I went to manually change “EACH” to “EACHX”, there was a pencil icon next to the field, but clicking on popped up a Unit of Measure converter. I’m thinking maybe I need to add a new UOM to a UOM table.


Update: lol, I just looked at that screenshot and apparently it added the EACHX for me?

It still won’t update the field. This is what the item summary screen looks like for General>Unit of Measure:


It shows that base unit is editable (pencil?) but there isn’t a white box around the field, so I’m wondering if that indicates there’s a dependency on it being edited.



I literally did the same thing on Friday for another customer (but for non-stock items).  When you go to add the inventory ID field the system should provide the missing “Action: Cancel” line (my line 2 below) automatically and I think that’s what you’re missing. 

I’d try deleting your Inventory ID row and then adding it back in and you should get the “Cancel” line automatically. 

Below is my import scenario for updating a bunch of labor items from MINUTE to HOUR and I just hard coded in my new Base Unit, but you can do it from your spreadsheet like you have it.  Just make sure that the ID exactly matches.  


Best of luck!


Also - do you already have inventory in your base units?  In my example above, I was able to change it because they were non stock items in test environments with no transactions against those items in the tenants I was updating.  If you have stock items in your existing base units, check out this article here:  


Ok, so apparently 52 out of the 421 stock items *did* update! The reason 369 items did not update is because they had qty on hand as @meganfriesen37 noted in the link above.

Thank you!

Thanks for confirming that my ideas worked!

  1. For those stock items with nothing on hand, Base Unit may be edited, and
  2. The * character can’t be imported into the alpha-numeric UOM field.

I’m glad to see your import is now successful.


