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I want to remove all NOTES from all PO lines.  I created a GI and exported to excel all PO IDs and all of their line numbers.

I created a data provider with these 2 fields.

I then created an import scenario to replace the notes with nothing.

I can get this to work for the first PO line number without specifying the line number.  However, when I introduce lines into the scenario to select all PO lines, it throws an error like it is trying to add a line to the PO instead of simply updating the NOTES.

For my @@Line Nbr. line, I don’t see the PO Line number as an available field.  The “Transactions.LineNbr” is the only line number field available in “Internal Fields”.

Any suggestions?


Further information.  The goal here is to blank out the notes on all PO Lines.  So if there is a way to do that without first exporting a GI with PO ID and PO line number, that would be best.


Latest attempt.  Added PO ID @@Order Nbr selection.  Getting error about the vendor ID now.


Hi @ltussing03 

Thank you!!!


I really appreciate you taking the time to post this!

Larry, one other thing here.

For the Note Text record, you have =’’ for the Source Field / Value.

With that value, the system is expecting something to be added, which is why it is attempting to add a new line.

If you are wanting to blank out a field, your Source Field / Value should be =Null.
