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Hello everybody,

I have a question about the import scenario, why the <action: release> at the end of the scenario doesn’t work? 


I would like to use the scenario bellow to import some Vendor invoices.  In the source provider, I mapped the vendor code, the GL account, subaccount, amount, etc, and the batch reference as key field to distinguish different batches.

When I use the <action: save> (Action: Enregistrer) as the last action, which is proposed by default, everthing is going fine, I got different batches imported, detailed lines reassembled as I wished by the batch references, and in status “balanced”.

But when I tried the <action: release> instead of <action: save>, things go wrong, and I don’t know how to fixe it.  It imports always only the first line, and on the second line I got the error message: “ the release button is not available”, no matter I checked or not the “commit” case.


It would be really kind of you, If you have some ideas of where would be the issue?


Thank you in advance for your help.


Best regards.




so firstly do NOT put a Commit on ‘Save’

Secondly I would split this into two passes.

1, Load in your Invoices

2, rerun with Release, if it does not release or you have an issue, de activate all the detail lines except the mandatory ones and the invoice number and try that, it should be fine then.

Also do not put commit, the system will normally enter these, un required commits just slows the whole process down


Don’t try and do everything in one pass 

Hi tonyjukes49,

thank you for your reply.

Me too I think that maybe it would need 2 passes, first one for the importing within the “balanced” status, and second one for changing the status on “released”.  That is what I thought maybe most appliable way to archive this.

Yes your comment about the “commit” check boxe is totally making sens.  I got that point!

Please have a nice day!

