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Sub Account Segments in GI

  • 2 November 2023
  • 3 replies

When having to select segment 2 of a subaccount , linked to the Employee master, the logical step would be to add the default location ( For vendor) and then link that to GL.Sub. Even when using substring/ left/ right , the result is blank. 

Fortunately , there are a DAC that already has this info: Employee (EPEmployee)

And I am sure the DAC’s exist for other business accounts where this is required

Hello @eddie stoffberg ,

What is your question, please?  A screen shot will help us understand and answer you.  Can you show us what you have vs. what you need?

Thank you.


On the PX.Objects.PM.PMProject DAC, I am trying to isolate the Value ( not Description) of the SubAccount Segment 4 : = PMProject.DefaultAccrualSubID_Segment4] 
This renders an error  

The multi-part identifier "Contract.DefaultAccrualSubID" could not be bound

I did Manage to resolve this by joining other DACs, referencing the SubAccount (GL.Sub), and Segment Values
This post can be closed thanks

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @eddie stoffberg!
