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Sub Account Segments in GI

  • 2 November 2023
  • 3 replies

When having to select segment 2 of a subaccount , linked to the Employee master, the logical step would be to add the default location ( For vendor) and then link that to GL.Sub. Even when using substring/ left/ right , the result is blank. 

Fortunately , there are a DAC that already has this info: Employee (EPEmployee)

And I am sure the DAC’s exist for other business accounts where this is required

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @eddie stoffberg!

On the PX.Objects.PM.PMProject DAC, I am trying to isolate the Value ( not Description) of the SubAccount Segment 4 : = PMProject.DefaultAccrualSubID_Segment4] 
This renders an error  

The multi-part identifier "Contract.DefaultAccrualSubID" could not be bound

I did Manage to resolve this by joining other DACs, referencing the SubAccount (GL.Sub), and Segment Values
This post can be closed thanks

Hello @eddie stoffberg ,

What is your question, please?  A screen shot will help us understand and answer you.  Can you show us what you have vs. what you need?

Thank you.

