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Multiple Base Currencies - Full Support

  • 23 September 2021
  • 16 replies

When will the Multiple Base Currency feature support all modules?

I was quite excited to see multiple base currency support in 2021 R2, as this solves the single biggest pain point we have with Acumatica.

Currently, we have a Canadian sister company that does a lot of interco transactions with the US company, and because of that company’s base currency being in CAD, we have to use a separate tenant.

This creates a lot of manual re-entry of documents PO / SO / shipping docs etc and tends to be an error prone process, especially due to exchange rates etc.

Now in reading through the details on this feature, I see to my dismay that there is a whole list of other  modules that are not supported by this feature. Meaning you can’t use multiple base currencies feature and these other modules.


The modules that we use are in yellow:


Is there any road map on when these modules will be supported by this feature?


16 replies

Userlevel 1

Can anyone with insight to the Acumatica roadmap answer this?

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

This would be a great value to some of our manufacturing prospects.  Can someone provide any insight to the roadmap?  




Userlevel 7
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@ervin41 During the 2021 R2 Feature Review on October 6, we published a slide with tentative dates for implementation of multiple base currencies in some of the modules. 

It’s important to note that the release are best estimates and may change based on other business priorities. In addition to the information below, we anticipate that Contract Management and Dunning Letters will be ready by 2020 R2.


Userlevel 7
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We continue to make progress with multiple base currencies. Here is an update presented at the 2022 R1 feature review.

Note: Future updates to the rollout of multiple base currencies will appear in the Idea called multiple base currencies in one tenant.

April 13, 2022 update: Commerce integration has supported multiple base currencies since 2021 R2. The slide above reflects this change - an incorrect slide was presented at the 2022 R1 feature review meeting.

September 2022 update: 2022 R2 additions include Manufacturing (managed availability), dunning letters, time management, and contract management.


Userlevel 4

Thanks for the update Doug!

Where do I go to get information on which scenarios are supported for manufacturing in 2022 R1?

(FYI, I’m the original poster)

Userlevel 7
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@Freeman Helmuth: Manufacturing in 2022 R1 supports scenarios where all manufacturing is done in a single company. Scenarios involving materials, labor, overheads, or other costs that are established in a different company/currency are not supported. If you have a specific use case, I recommend creating a presales support case with the details of the scenario.

Userlevel 4

@Doug Johnson I have a demo installed of 2022 R1 GA and I’m not able to turn on both the Manufacturing feature and Multiple Base Currencies.

Is this a special way to enable both of these since it’s not fully supported yet?

We are a customer currently and have core financials implemented. We’re working on the manufacturing piece now.

Userlevel 7
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@Freeman Helmuth If this is needed please open a support case and describe your use case and detail the needed functionality. If approved, we can provide a customization project to turn on the feature. In general we advise against this in a production environment.

Userlevel 7
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@Doug Johnson Is there an anticipated timeline around having time management roll into the multiple base currencies functionality?  We have customers using time and materials type projects, but it seems like they can’t move to a single tenant yet?  Most of our customers are not using Acumatica Payroll, since we are in Canada.

When Canadian Payroll is introduced and the payroll functionality works with Multiple Base Currencies will it be possible to run both US and Canadian payroll in a single tenant?

Userlevel 7
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We are currently investigating when we can update Time Management to support multiple base currencies. We will try to get this prioritized, but there are several other items in the queue.

Update (Apr 26, 2022). Time Management might support Multiple Base Currencies in 2022 R2. This depends on passing several tests that are not complete, so we cannot commit - but it is looking positive.

Userlevel 7
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Future updates to the rollout of multiple base currencies will appear in the Idea called multiple base currencies in one tenant.

Hi All , i am not sure if its been aswered or not. Wiht multiple base currency is it possible to maintain one Stock Itmes Code that can be used in two diffrent Country with its own selling price , as far as i can see you can only specify one Sell price even after enabling multi base currency 


Thanks in advanced. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

@suketuR You can maintain the same stock and non-stock item in different currencies/prices- see screen shot below (sample data):


Userlevel 2

Is there a list for 2023 and 2024 of what is supported and what not ?

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Here’s the current help article:


As of 24R1:

The following features are not supported if the Multiple Base Currencies feature has been enabled:

  • Purchase Requisitions
  • Projects if the Multicurrency Projects feature is disabled
  • Customer Portal
  • Service Management
  • Payroll
  • Retail Commerce
  • Procore Integration

If the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled and you select a check box corresponding to one of the listed features, the system displays an error message.

If one or all of the listed features are enabled and you select the check box corresponding to the Multiple Base Currencies feature, the system displays an error message that the feature cannot be enabled.

Userlevel 3

Hello - looking for update on roadmap for Multiple Base Currencies for Purchase Requisitions.

Thank you.
