Hi Lynn,
We’re based in Calgary and have Acumatica customers all over Canada. In order to print both tax totals on the invoice, we’ve added a subreport to our invoice templates that goes where the tax line normally is. Depending on whether you are using line level or document level taxes, you can get your tax totals from different places, but generally, the sub report just has the ARTax (line level) OR ARTaxTran (doc level) table.
Create a new report and add the ARTaxTran table to it. There are no other tables required, so no relationships need to be added.
On the Parameters tab, get the RefNbr & TranType
On the Filters tab, filter so that ARTaxTran.RefNbr = your RefNbr and ARTaxTran.TranType = your doc type
Group your report by the TaxID
Then in either the group header or group footer, add 2 fields. One for the Tax ID and one for Sum([ARTaxTran.CuryTaxAmt]). Size your report so that it’s the same width as the section you want it to print on the invoice and hide the empty sections.
Back on the Main Report, add your subreport, set up your parameters to feed your RefNbr and DocType to the subreport.