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We just went live to Acumatica, and we accidentally deleted the cash transaction entry type that we had already got some transactions.


Now in the list of cash transactions, under the column “Entry Type”, there are “yellow warnings” for these transactions, saying “the record has been deleted”, probably the record on the “entry type” being deleted.


We checked the GL side, seems like everything looks good.


Can someone please advise whether there will have any significant impact?


Thank you.


You may be able to re-enter the Entry Type. Sometimes deleted records remain in the tenant and throw an error if we try to add the same ID again.  These deleted records can be removed or resurrected, possibly, with help from Acumatica Support or your VAR/Acumatica Partner.

I think the only impact from the missing item is the yellow warnings of entry type missing. Posted transactions will remain posted. Cash balances will remain reconciled, etc.


Thank you Laura.


We actually changed the name of the Entry Type ID, and so we no longer want the original name.


When we changed the name of the ID, we deleted the original one, and then re-created a new one.


We were not aware that there are transactions associated with the original ID.


We just would like to know whether there’s any impact, at this point, we don’t see any impact on the GL side except the yellow warning that the ID no longer exists for those transactions.


If anyone can let us know whether there’s any impact, that will be great.  Thank you.
