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I’m trying to add the primary contact’s name to my email notifications when emailing AR Invoices, e.g. Dear John Smith.

But when I try to add a data field, I only get the Primary Contact ID number, e.g. Dear 6689

In an earlier version I was able to use the “Attention” field, but now that field is greyed out in the Billing section. I have to manually override the settings and add the contact. 

Is there a way to add the greeting without having to override all my contacts? It’s too easy to overlook that tab. 



You could probably try:

(DefaultCompanyContact.FirstName)) ((DefaultCompanyContact.LastName))   OR ((customer.DefContactID.FirstName)) ((customer.DefContactID.LastName))  (depending on what tables are available in the related Generic Inquiry.

It also looks like ((Billing_Contact.Attention)) is still available in 2020R2, but I haven’t tested it personally.

Thanks, but I tried all those fields and they all came out blank.  There’s just not field to link the “Primary Contact” table to the email template. 
