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Dear all, 

In the old version, If there are multiple lines in the AP Invoice, there will be corresponding multiple lines in Convert purchases to assets.
But Now in the new version 2023 R2,  If there are multiple lines in the AP Invoice, there will be only one line with total amount in Convert purchases to assets.
So If I want to have multi lines as the old version, how to config? 
Thanks and Best regards,

Hello @seedcomsupport ,

I did a quick test in version 2023 R2.  I am able to enter one GL transaction containing 3 new assets and then see all 3 asset lines in the Conversion screen.

Purchase Desks, Copier, Bulldozer
3 Assets in Convert Assets screen

Please check the following setting in GL Preferences:  is your tenant Consolidating Batches in GL?

If not, please show how the original entry was made, and how the related purchase’s GL batch looks in Journal Transactions screen. Thank you.

