Configure Role to restrict access to Releasing AP Bills
Hi, I’ve tried to adapt the instructions shown in this example for controlling access to releasing Journal Transaction to AP Bills & Adjustments, but I’m not having any success.
When I look at the user’s access none of their other roles are changing these values, but the user still has access to the Release button on the Bills & Adjustment screen.
Am I missing another element that needs to be revoked?
Thank you!
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I have successfully removed Release rights from Roles by revoking access to Release AP Documents screen. After revoking Release AP Documents, Users in the Role will not be able to release AP Bills, Credit Adjustments, Debit Adjustments, or Prepayment documents that are created in Bills & Adjustments screen (Release action will be revoked for all documents created in Bills & Adjustments, not just the Bills).
I have revoked access to that screen (4th screenshot), but the release button remains available. I’m not sure what I’m missing here.
@kevlynch Create a new role and apply the above steps.
Navigate to one test user and apply only one role and see the results.
I’ve created a Test Role and Test User who has nothing but this test role + branch access roles.
The role has Edit access to Bills & Adjustments only, nothing else in any workspace or even in Payables. Inside this role, under AP Documents I’ve also Revoked the Release action.
The Release AP Documents screen is revoked. We’re on version 2024R1 Update 14.
I’ve double-checked that this test users’ access levels match the test role’s configuration.
The release button persists. I’m really struggling to find what I’m missing here.
After further investigation, this issue was caused by permissions inheritance.
To solve it, I needed to explicitly define permissions for the AP Document and Document branches under Bills and Adjustments, and not let them be inherited from above.
Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @kevlynch!