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I am trying to report a gross margin percentage on a report while using the column set Rounding to Thousands.  To illustrate, I have the following rows.

No Rounding:

100  Sales   10,000

120  Gross Margin  5,400

125  Gross Margin %  (@120/@100) = 54%  format #,##0%  

When rounding to Thousands is not used the calculation is fine.

With Rounding to Thousands:

125 Gross Margin %  (@120/@100) = 0%  it appears to divide the .54 result by 1000

Changing formula to multiply by 1000:

125 Gross Margin %  (@120*1000)/@100 = 50%  it appears to round the 540 result to the nearest  thousandth .5.  Note that if I multiply by 10,000, the result is 540%.

If anyone has experienced this problem and can provide a solution, I would appreciate it.




Bumping this. I have this issue as well. I would like to avoid having to format all the rows manually.

Ever find a solution to this?


Does it make any difference if you change the Cell Evaluation Order ?

I don’t have a good testing environment for this question -  currently it’s an idea for you to try, not a confirmed solution.

