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ARM Reports - Unit set by sub account Segment

  • 21 September 2022
  • 5 replies


I’m working on a ARM report. The report shows the data expanded by sub accounts for some accounts. I need to add unit set to the report. the unit set should be triggered by a on segment of the sub account (the report should be filtered by the segment of sub account)

Example - Sub Account 1 - ORG-DEP-000. in here, in the middle shows the expense category. there are multiple expense categories which is the second segment of the sub account. 

How can I create a Unit set to filter the report using that middle segment of the sub account. 






Here is an example Unit Set with complete steps attached:


Hi @laura01,

This woks perfectly. Thank you for your support.


Thank you,


Is there any way to make the unit set where the subaccounts are selectable? So you can choose which sub accounts you want to show up on the report, either including or excluding certain accounts?


On individual reports, we can make the range of subaccounts selectable.

We have the same choice, to include range of subaccounts in the Data Source section of the Row Set, Unit Set, and Column Set.


Thank you!
